Road Closure U2155 Hesket Newmarket 21 days from 11 March 2024


 An emergency temporary road closure has been put in place due to the likelihood of danger as a result of carriageway defects.

This notice will be in force for a period of up to 21 days from 11th March 2024, as and when the relevant signs are displayed. It is anticipated that the restriction will be required for 9 days.

Please see below details of the extents of the closure and alternative route, the relevant legal notice can be viewed at and a location plan clearly showing these extents can be found on via link

Location: U2155 from its junction with C2055, extending in an overall southernly direction for a distance of approximately 2.8 km.

Alternative Route: Via the C2055, and a way for pedestrians and dismounted cyclists will be maintained at all times.

Should you have any queries in relation to this restriction please contact the Highways Hotline by calling 0300 373 3736 or via the Cumberland Council website quoting the reference TTROC/10771

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