By Dalston Parish Council on Monday, 29 March 2021
Category: News

Temporary Road Closure C1017 Buckabank, Dalston on 12 April 2021

 A temporary road closure has been put in place to allow BTOpenreach to carry out new poling works which are expected to commence 12th April 2021 and anticipated to take 1 day between hours of 0900 to 1500 to complete.

 A location plan clearly showing the extents of the road closure and diversion route can be found on via link

Location  C1017 Buckabank, near Dalston from its junction with the U1143 extending in a north westerly direction for approx. 1.9km

Alternative Route: via the unrestricted sections of the C1017 Buckabank, C1014, Durdar and C1036.

A way for pedestrians and dismounted cyclists will be maintained at all times

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